find God only when we have justified our souls..." Bishop Thomas J.
The Vigil Oct. - Nov. - Dec. 1973 |
Bishop Thomas J. Riley
"And we are gathered here tonight
to pray for priests, to pray for those whom Christ, the Son of God, made to
share in the glory and the power of His Own Eternal Priesthood. We are here
to Pray For Priests, priests who are human beings, priests who suffer from
human imperfections, priests who experience the temptations of the world.
We are here to pray for all priests...to pray especially for those who are
engaged in the pastoral work of saving souls...who bring the redeeming grace
of Christ from Heaven to earth in every Mass that is celebrated and every
confession that is heard....
We must preach the Gospel of Repentance....We
must warn our own people that they disregard the teachings of their Church
at the peril of their own Immortal Souls...."

Bishop Thomas J. Riley
My Dear Brother Priests, Beloved Religious, and all you lovers
of Our Blessed Lady gathered here tonight in honor of Her Feast:
I am very certain that every one of us here experiences a
great thrill at being a part of this wonderful, tremendous crowd. I am sure
likewise that beneath the feeling of thrill and satisfaction that comes over
us tonight, there is a much deeper affection that goes straight to the heart
of our Catholic Faith.
We are here tonight because we are Christians,
because we are Catholics, because the Faith that we are proud to possess and
to profess brings us together and because in the unity of that Faith, we acknowledge
the truth of everything that God Almighty has revealed through his Son, Jesus
We acknowledge, too, and we bend our knees in humble subjection
to the divinely constituted authority, which proclaims that truth to us, interprets
it for us, and applies it to the details of our life. We are, indeed, tonight,
a unified congregation, and among the truths that keep us together, that constitute
the core of our unity in this gathering, is the truth that our Holy Father,
The Pope, called to our minds on the occasion of the last Council. Speaking
independently of the Council, yet always in collegiate union with its members,
Our Holy Father proclaimed that Mary, the Mother of God is likewise the Mother
of the Church... Mary whom God selected to be the Mother of His Divine Son...
Mary, who was with Her Son for every moment of His earthly life... Mary who
in her Immaculate Conception was preserved free from the taint of Original sin...
Mary, who by an extraordinary Grace of God was preserved from even the slightest
Venial sin during her lifetime...Mary who was standing at the side of Christ
as He was breathing His last upon the Cross…Mary who today is Queen of the Angels
and the Saints... Mary the Mother of God is the Mother of the Church and because
we are members of the Church through Christ, Our Lord, Mary is our Mother also.
And, how proud we should be of our Mother... how confident
we should be of Her Motherly intercession for us and how thrilled we should
be as we gather here tonight to reflect that everyone of us here, every single
one of this congregation, old and young, rich and poor, whatever his status
in life, everyone of us has this in common, that we acknowledge Mary, the Mother
of the Church to be our Mother also and that because She is our Mother, we are
confident of Her Motherly intercession.
And we are gathered here tonight to pray for
priests, to pray for those whom Christ, the Son of God, made to share in the
glory and the power of His Own Eternal Priesthood. We are here to Pray For Priests,
priests who are human beings, priests who suffer from human imperfections, priests
who experience the temptations of the world. We are here to pray for all priests...to
pray especially for those who are engaged in the pastoral work of saving souls...who
bring the redeeming grace of Christ from Heaven to earth in every Mass that
is celebrated and every confession that is heard.
And, if there would be a saddening feature in our presence
here tonight, it would be that the dreadful forces of evil that surround us
are directed not only at the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, Our Lord,
but especially at those whom Christ has annointed to His Own Priesthood. If
we are sad tonight, then perhaps we might find great comfort in contemplating
on the experience that the prophet Amos has set before us in the reading of
his prophecy that constitutes part of the Mass today. Amos was chosen by God
for a special mission in His Name. As a shepherd boy in Jerusalem, he had been
selected by God to go to the King Ezechias at a time when He perceived that
the people of God were about to be restored to their rightful heritage. He was
sent to tell them, in God's Name, that because they had been unfaithful to their
Covenant with God a great disaster lay ahead of them. Because he did what God
told him to do, he was driven out of the country and told never to return. But
he had the great satisfaction of knowing that he told them what God told him
to tell them.
In our country priests have a similar commission from Almighty
God...We must preach the Gospel of Repentance. We must warn the people of God
of the frightful consequences of disregarding His Holy Law. We must warn those
who govern the destinies of our nation that we have become a Godless society.
We must warn our own people that they disregard the teachings of their Church
at the peril of their own Immortal Souls. We must accept this warning ourselves.
We must not fall into the attitude of self-complacency which would find satisfaction
in the mere fact of our manifestation, of external devotion as it is evident
here tonight. Our devotion must be as sweet incense...rising from our hearts.
Our devotion must be the reflection of the purity of our personal life and the
integrity of our relationships with one another...the reflection of our oneness
with Christ.
If this is the prayer that goes from this magnificent church
tonight to the throne of God in Heaven, then we may be sure that Mary, the Mother
of God...the Mother of the Church...will take our prayers to Herself. Mary will
make them her own and will return once more to the earth from which they came,
the beautiful flowers placed before the altar of sacrifice. She will then reward
apostolic zeal that moves us tonight with her powerful intercession. Dearly
beloved, we must be truly Mary's children as we gather here tonight. Let us
pray for the church...let us pray for our country...let us pray tonight for
our priests...and let us pray tonight for all who suffer and are heavily burdened...let
us pray that God may take us all to Himself through Mary, the Mother of the
Church, the Mother of Christ. As we share tonight in the offering of this Holy
Sacrifice, let us be thankful for all of the effort that has made this evening
possible. Let us pray that through our continuing cooperation we may grow in
our faith and that our faith may save the world.
We find God only when we have justified our souls. Let us
pray that the consequence of this wonderful event that is taking place in this
Church dedicated to Mary Immaculate may be for each one of us a strengthening
of our Apostolic Vocation of brethren of the Lord, whose Mother was Mary, the
Mother of the Church.

Bishop Thomas J. Riley inspires Congregation with homily during ST.
MICHAEL'S EUCHARISTIC 5-HOUR VIGIL and Annual Candlelight Procession to "PRAY
FOR PRIEST". The special occasion honored Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
The Blessed Sacrament Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Michael The Archangel,
are carried in Candlelight Procession through the streets of Lowell are with
the faithful following in prayer of the Holy Rosary and singing hymns. Everyone
receives and wears the Brown Scapular Our Lady has promised the grace of Final
Salvation to all who wear it with devotion during life.