me, it marks the 50th anniversary of having contemplated the greatest beauty
in this world..." Conchita
you, Fr. Rolando for having given me the opportunity of repeating
The Message of Our Mother..."

Conchita in ecstasy, and the crowd on June 18,
Ave Maria
17, 2011
Dear Fr. Rolando,
I unite myself to the 50 years celebration since the
events at Garabandal took place. For me, it marks the 50th anniversary of having
contemplated the greatest beauty in this world. I give thanks to God for having
been part of such an experience, impossible to describe, but which sealed in
my soul a sure Faith, full of hope. Thank you, Fr. Rolando for having given
me the opportunity of repeating the Message of Our Mother, there, in the village.
The Angel said,
My Message of October 18 was not carried out and made known, I will tell you
that this is the last one.
Before the Cup was full; now it is overflowing. Priests, Bishops, and Cardinals
are on the path to perdition and they are taking many souls with them. Less
and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. We must ward off the wrath
of God with our efforts. If you ask forgiveness sincerely with all your soul,
He will forgive you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of the Archangel
Michael, want to tell you that these are the last warnings. I love you very
much and do not want your condemnation.
Pray to Us sincerely and We will give you what
you ask. You must offer more sacrifices. Think of the Passion of Jesus.”
Rolando, I cannot tell you anything more important than the Message of Our
in Prayer,

Conchita in ecstasy gives the
Crucifix for M. Masure to kiss.
Scenes from the ecstasy of June 18, 1965,
recorded and televised.

Conchita received the Final Message For The
World June 18, 1965
