Travel to Garabandal



"Yes, I saw
them in ecstasy"
Bishop del Val Gallo

Table of Contents
Garabandal Messages
For More Information

Garabandal Prophecies: The Miracle

Second, A miracle is to occur in Garabandal within 12 months after the Warning... It will be on a Thursday at 8:30 p.m. on a feast-day of a martyred Saint for the Eucharist ...( not a feast-day of Our Lady or Our Lord) ... it will happen in the month of April... between the 7th and the 17th of the month but not the 7th or the 17th... it will be seen by looking up over the area of the Pines and will be visible from all the surrounding mountainside which will serve as a "natural" amphitheater. (Note: millions of people could easily fit around the mountain area.)The sick will be cured...the unbelievers will be converted...
Conchita knows the nature of the great miracle as well as the exact date and she will announce the date eight days before it happens. The means of communicating the date to the world will be a miracle in itself. It will be able to be filmed, photographed and televised.

Third , a Permanent Sign will remain at Garabandal in memory of the miracle as visible proof of our Blessed Mother's love for all humanity. It will be a "thing" never before seen upon the earth. It can be photographed by not touched.

This is only an abbreviated version of the prophecy. To view the entire account of the events of Garabandal see the Garabandal Story.