Travel to Garabandal



"Yes, I saw
them in ecstasy"
Bishop del Val Gallo

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Garabandal Messages
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Interview with Mari Cruz........April, 2006

    " the Virgin never was threatening, it was a warning- like a mother who advises a son, be he takes a bad road "
    Mari Cruz

Q. How old were you when you had your children?
A. Ignacio (20 years old)
Lourdes (24 years old)
Juan Carlos (27 years old)
Gabriel (30 years old) he lives at home.

Q. Is your husband Catholic?
A. Yes

Q. How old were you during the first apparitions?
A. Ten years old. The first apparition was on July 18th, and that month I celebrated 11 years on July 21.

Q. How did you feel during the first apparition of St. Michael the Archangel?
A. Confused. She says that when St. Michael the Archangel appeared, she did not know it was he. She knew only that it was an angel.

Q. When did they know that it was St. Michael the Archangel?
A. She does not remember (recall) any details.

Q. What did you think when St. Michael spoke for the first time?
A. She doesn't remember. It is complicated knowing what she thought at that time (moment).

Q. What did you think when Archangel St. Michael said the Virgin would appear the next day?
A. She doesn't remember (recall) what she thought at that moment.

Q. Were you happy when you saw the Virgin?
A. Yes. More so now because it seems like a dream. She asks herself if it really occurred or not. It is all like a pretty dream.

    She, Mari Cruz, in these times saw it all as being normal. She felt somewhat nervous because of what people would say. She saw it as being natural.

Q. What did you think when the people learned about the message of the chastisement?
A. I saw it all as being normal. The people saw it as being important and tragic, the opposite of her. She (Mari Cruz) felt that the Virgin never was threatening, it was a warning- like a mother who advises a son, be he takes a bad road (the son). She (Mari Cruz) says that the people exaggerated (things) but believes that the Virgin would never send (do) bad things.

Q. Your mother said that one day you were in ecstasy when you were serving yourself a glass of milk and then you went through the village without dropping (spilling) a drop.
A. She does not recall (remember) she says that it is all mixed up.

Q. When the Virgin told the girls about the chastisements, were you there?
A. She does not recall (remember) if she was there or if she overheard it.

Q. Do you know something about the miracle?
A. No.

Q. Do you know something about the time of the chastisement?
A. I do not remember, only something about a chastisement.

Q. What do you remember about Father Luis Andreu?
A. When he was about to die, he said that he passed and that he was happy.

Q. The question is missing.
A. She felt nothing about a chastisement, she noted this in the ambience but not for her. The Virgin was only recommending this- giving a warning. The people tried to hasten the acts (deeds). She herself (Mari Cruz) was tranquil.

Q. Do you belong to a religious group which prays to the Blessed Mother?
A. Yes. We meet every week to pray.

Q. When you were first married there were people who said that your husband was a Communist. Can you tell us something about that?
A. My father-in-law was active in the Communist Party and when the Spanish Civil War ended, he was shot (killed) because he was still loyal to the Communist Party.

Q. Did the Virgin appear to you when Father Luis Andreu died?
A. No.

Q. What did you see during the apparitions which caused you much concern?
A. During the ecstasy, I felt very emotional but not anxious. I felt relaxed and I was told that I could cry. It was as though I was experiencing the present, the past and the future all at the same time.

Q. What were your feelings and thoughts regarding the warning (El Aviso), the Miracle (el Milagro) and the Chastisement (el Castigo)?
A. "The warning (Aviso) has been misconstrued by some who see it as a threatening situation. I (Mari Cruz) have a different idea about it. For me, I see it as a situation where a father (parent) scolds a son (in a gentle manner), but not a threat. The Miracle (Milagro)- Mari Cruz has no first hand information on this. The Chastisement (Castigo)- This is a conditional thing and can be avoided (mitigated) if they would return to God."

Q. Do you remember the time when the four girls were going to church and two of the girls crossed over an arroyo on the planks while the other two girls crossed over the water without getting their feet wet?
A. No.
