Since the apparitions of Garabandal ended in
1965, visionaries Conchita, Mari-Loli and Jacinta have, from time to time,
granted interviews in which they have revealed what they are able to say
about the coming worldwide Warning and great Miracle. In each of these interviews,
although the same questions are frequently asked about the two events, it
often happens that new or supportive information, or a different perspective
comes to light. With this in mind, and in an attempt to get the most complete
picture on the basis of what is known about the Warning and the Miracle,
we have consolidated all the interviews to which we have access, avoiding,
of course, unnecessary repetition. What follows is the result of our research
with the segments from the various interviews given in chronological order.
14, 1965
Q. Will the Warning be a visible thing or an
interior thing or both?
A. The Warning is a thing that comes directly from God and
will be visible throughout the entire world, in whatever place anyone might
Q. Will the Warning reveal personal sins to every person in the
world and to persons of all faiths, including atheists?
A. Yes, the Warning will be like a revelation of our sins-as
como si revelase nuestros pecados, and it will be seen
and experienced by believers and non-believers and people of any religion
Q. Is it true that the Warning will cause many people to remember
the dead?
A. The Warning is like a purification for the Miracle. And
it is a sort of a catastrophe. It will make us think of the dead, that is,
we would prefer to be dead than to experience the Warning.
Q. Will the Warning be recognized by the world as a direct sign
from God?
A. Certainly - claro, and for this reason I believe it is
impossible that the world could be so hardened as not to change.
October, 1968
Q. We have heard that some say the Warning may be a natural phenomenon
will be used by God to speak
to mankind. Is this true?
A. The Warning is something supernatural and will not be
explained by science. It will be seen and felt.
Q. Conchita,can you explain the statement that during the Warning
we will know ourselves and the sins we have committed?
A. The Warning will be a correction of the conscience of
the world.
Q. What about the many people who do not know Christ; how will
they understand the Warning?
A. For those who do not know Christ (non-Christian)
they will believe it is a Warning from God.
Q. What will occur on the day of the Warning?
A. The most important thing about that day is that everyone
in the whole world will see a sign, a grace, or a punishment within themselves
— in other words a Warning. They will find themselves all alone in
the world no matter where they are at the time, alone with their conscience
right before God . They will then see all their sins and what their sins
have caused.
Q. Will all feel it at the same time?
A. Yes, at the same
Q. How long will it last, a half hour, an hour?
A. I really don't know. I think that five minutes would
be an adequate time.
Q. How will we feel it?
A. We will all feel it differently because it will depend
on our conscience. The Warning will be very personal; therefore, we will
all react differently to it. The most important thing will be to recognize
our own sins and the bad consequences of them. You will have a different
view of the Warning than me because your sins are different from mine.
Q. Will something happen to me because of my sins? I mean will
physical harm come upon me as a result of them?
A. No, unless it's something that results from the shock,
for example, a heart attack.
Q. So then it will bring no physical harm but will consist of
facing God alone with my sins. How about the good things; will I see them
A. No. This will be only a Warning to see what you have
done with your sins. It will be like a purification before the Miracle to
see if with the Warning and Miracle we (meaning the whole world) will be
Q. So this Warning can occur any day now?
A. Yes, but I don't know the date when it will occur.
February, 1977
Q. When did you learn about the Warning and from whom?
A. The only thing that I remember well is that it was the
Virgin who told me of it.
Q. Would you repeat for us what you know about the Warning?
A. What I remember now is that the Virgin told me that before
the Miracle God will be sending us a Warning so as to purify us or prepare
us to see the Miracle and in this way we may draw enough grace to change
our lives toward God. She told me what the Warning will consist of but not
the date. I am not able to say what it consists of but I am able to say what
it will be like, more or less. It is a phenomenon which will be seen and
felt in all the world and everywhere; I have always given as an example that
of two stars that collide. This phenomenon will not cause physical damage,
but it will horrify us because at that very moment we will see our souls
and the harm we have done. It will be as though we were in agony but we will
not die by its effects but perhaps we will die of fright or shock to see
ourselves. May the Virgin forgive me if I do not explain it the way it is,
but I am trying to tell you ... after knowing what the Warning will be like
that day.
Q. Did you 'see 'or 'hear 'about the Warning?
A. The Virgin told me of its coming.
Q. If the Warning only lasts a short time, will the world remember
it as coming from God or will it only appear to have been a dream or an illusion?
A. I have never said that the Warning will be a short moment.
What I have said is that even if it were a moment it will be very impressive
and terrible. No one will have doubts of it being from God, and of its not
being human. I, who know what it is, am very much afraid of that day.
Q. Many years ago you told us the event of the Warning begins
with the letter "A. " Since Our Lady never told you not to reveal
it, can you now mention it?
A. She did not forbid it, but I don't know why I haven't
said it and I don't feel as though I should say it now.
Q. You once said to Fr. Marcelino Andreu, (When you see the Warning
you will know we have opened up the end of time. " Can you explain what
you meant by this?
A. The Virgin told us that the Warning and Miracle will
be the last warnings or public spectaculars that God will give us. This is
why I believe that after them we will be near the end of time.
Q. Do you have any words of advice for the people in order that
they might prepare for this event?
A. We must always be prepared for our souls in peace and
not tie ourselves down so much to this world. Instead, we must think very
often that we are here to go to heaven and to be saints.
August, 1980

Q. It (the Warning) is not going to hurt you?
A. No. To me, it's like two stars... that crash and make
a lot of noise and a lot of light but they don't fall... It's something that's
not going to hurt us but we're going to see it. In that moment, we're going
to see our conscience. You're going to see everything wrong that you're doing.
Q. You 're going to see everything wrong that you are doing?
A. Yes. And you're going to see the good that you're not
July 27, 1975
Q. You have said that you know the year of the Warning. Can you
tell us if it will occur in the next few years or is still distant in the
A. No. I can't say anything.
Q. Did the Blessed Mother tell you not to speak about the Warning?
A. No, she didn't, but, because the Warning and the Miracle
are within the same year, I feel it inside not to say anything.
Q. How do you know the Warning and the Miracle are within the
same year?
A. During an apparition — I don't remember just when—the Blessed
Virgin told me.
Q. Reportedly, you have said that when the Warning occurs everything
will stand still, even planes in the sky. Is this true?
A. Yes, but just for a few moments.
Q. You mean that everything will stop at a given moment and at
that moment the Warning will occur?
A. Yes.
Q. When was this information revealed to you?
A. During an apparition the Blessed Virgin told me all this.
Q. Was all the information given you during one apparition, or
did Our Lady tell you this over several apparitions?
A. She told me all of this during one apparition. I don't
remember now if she spoke about the Warning during any other apparition.
Q. Do you know how long the Warning will last?
A. Just a few minutes.
Q. Are you afraid of the Warning?
A. Yes. Like everyone else.I have faults, and the Warning
will show me my faults and this makes me afraid.
Q. Can you tell us anything else about the Warning?
A. All I can say is that it is very close and that it is
very important that we prepare ourselves because it will be a terrible thing.
It will make us feel all the wrong we have done.
February, 1977
Q. Have you ever discussed with Conchita the dates of the Warning
of which you know the year, and the Miracle which she knows?
A. I have never talked to Conchita about these dates.
Q. Have you any words of advice for the people in order that
they might prepare for this event?
A. To do much penance, make sacrifices, visit the Blessed
Sacrament every day that we are able to, and to pray the holy rosary daily.
September 29, 1978
Q. Since you are the one who knows the most about the Warning
will you tell us if this event is to take place before the Miracle promised
through Conchita Gonzales?
A. ... Everyone will experience it wherever they may be,
regardless of their condition or their knowledge of God... It will be an
interior personal experience. It will look as if the world has come to a
standstill, .. .no one will be aware of that as they will be totally absorbed
in their own experience.
Q. About the nature of the Warning, how do you sense it?
A. It is going to be something like an interior feeling
of sorrow and pain for having offended God. God will help us to see clearly
the harm we are causing Him and all the evil things we do. He will help us
to sense this interior pain because often when we do something wrong we just
ask the Lord's forgiveness with our lips, but now (through the Warning) He
will help us sense physically that deep sorrow.
October 19, 1982
Q. Do you remember what the Blessed Mother said about the communist
tribulation that is to precede the Warning?
A. It would look like the communists would have taken over
the whole world and it would be very hard to practise the religion, for priests
to say Mass or for people to open the doors of the churches.
Q. Is that what you meant when you said that it would seem as
though the Church had disappeared?
A. Yes.
Q. It would be because of the persecution and not because the
people would stop practising their religion?
A. Yes, but I guess a lot of people will stop. Whoever practises
it will have to go into hiding.
Q. Will this only be in Europe or do you think
it will be here in the United States as well?
A. I don't know because for me at that time, Europe was
the whole world. I just assumed it was that way. The Blessed Mother didn't
specify in what place. To me it looked like it was everywhere.
Q. Approximately 67% of the earth s land is now dominated by
communism. Do you think that's sufficient to fulfil Our Lady s prophecy?
A. I really don't know. It sounded to me like it would be
more than that.
Q. In other words you think it will be worse than it is now?
A. That's what I thought from what she said but I really
don't know exactly. To me it looked like it was every place out there, the
places I saw in my mind. In a lot of countries in Europe you can still practise
your religion.
Q. So, the situation in the world is not bad enough for the Warning
to happen?
A. The Warning is not going to happen yet so it's probably
going to get worse.
Q. You said that it would be very difficult for priests to say
Mass. Was this something that the Blessed Mother told you or was it something
that you thought yourself because of the communist tribulation?
A. From what I remember, it was something she said.
Q. And the Virgin said that it would seem as though the Church
had disappeared?
A. Yes.
Q. Did the Blessed Mother ever say anything about the Holy Father
having to leave Rome at the time of the Warning?
A. No, but what it looked like to me — maybe at this
time I was confusing in my mind what I was seeing and what the Blessed Mother
was saying to me because it's been so many years — but what it looked
like to me was that the Pope couldn't be in Rome either, you know what I
mean, out in the open. He was being persecuted, too,
and had to hide just like everybody else.
Q. You said that when the Warning comes, the planes would stop
in the air and that all engines would stop. Is this what the Blessed Mother
told you?
A. She said that everything, everywhere, for a moment would
stop and the people would just think and look inside themselves.
Q. Will there be any noise with the Warning like a wind blowing?
A. The way I saw it at the time, it was more like a big
silence, like a sense of emptiness. Everything was very silent. That's the
way I saw it.
Q. Seven years ago you said that the Warning was soon. Many people
thought that it would have happened by now. What would you say today?
A. It is soon. Everything looks soon to me because time
goes by so fast.
Q. You're the only one who knows the year of the Warning. Did
you ever tell it to anyone else, like a priest for example?
A. No.
Q. Will people be fighting with one another when the Warning
A. (no answer)
August 17, 1975
Q. Did Our Lady ever speak to you about the Warning?
A. Yes, she spoke to me about it but she never told me the
February, 1977
Q. Can you tell us what the Warning will be like?
A. The Warning is something that is first seen in the air
everywhere in the world and immediately is transmitted into the interior
of our souls. It will last for a very little time, but it will seem a very
long time because of its effect within us. It will be for the good of our
souls, in order to see in ourselves our conscience, the good(1)
and the bad that we've done. Then we'll feel a great love toward our heavenly
parents and ask forgiveness for all our offences.
Q. Will the Warning be felt by all people regardless of their
A. The Warning is for everybody because God wants our salvation.
The Warning is for us to draw closer to Him and to increase our faith. Therefore,
one should prepare for that day, but not awaiting it with fear because God
doesn't send things for the sake of fear but rather with justice and love
and He does it for the good of all His children that they might enjoy eternal
happiness and not be lost.
August, 1979
Q. Do you recall anything about a great tribulation, communism...?
A. Yes, it was an invasion, well, something that was a great
evil in which communism played a great part, but I no longer remember which
countries or what region was stricken. The Blessed Virgin insisted in telling
us to pray (that it be averted). These difficult events will take place before
the Warning because the Warning itself will take place when the situation
will be at its worst.
April 16, 1983
Q. In the 1979 interview (above), you said in describing the
communist tribulation that "it was like an invasion. " Did you
see scenes of this invasion?
A. Sometimes I confuse an invasion with a persecution.
Q. You have also said that when things
were at their very worst then the Warning will happen. How do you know this?
Did the Virgin tell you or did you see it in a vision?
A. The Virgin said that the Warning would come when conditions
were at their worst. It wouldn't be just the persecution either because many
people will no longer be practising their religion.
Q. When the Warning comes it will be seen and felt by everyone
on earth. Does this include little children who have not yet reached the
age of reason?
A. Yes. That's why we felt sorry for them because it was
such a terrifying experience.
Q. Can you tell us anything about what the world will be like
when the Warning comes?
A. Bad.
February, 1977
(Jacinta was never told about the Miracle by the Blessed Virgin. She said
that whenever she questioned Our Lady about the Miracle, the Virgin simply
replied, "Everyone will believe.")
February, 1977
Q. Were you told about the Miracle in an apparition and, if so,
by whom?
A. The most Holy Virgin told me.
Q. What do you know about the Miracle?
A. All I know is that it will take place within a year after
the Warning.
Q. Will you and your family go to Garabandal for the Miracle?
A. If it is God's will.
Q. What is going to happen on that day (of the Miracle)?
A. I will tell you all that I can just as the Virgin told
it to me. She told me that God was going to perform a great Miracle and that
there would be no doubt about the fact that it was a miracle. It will come
directly from God with no human intervention. A day will come — and
she told me the day, the month and the year so I know the exact date.
Q. When is that day?
A. It is coming soon but I can't reveal it until eight days
before the date.
Q. What exactly is going to happen on that day?
A. I am not permitted to say exactly what is going to happen.
What I can reveal is that the Virgin said that everyone who would be there
(in Garabandal) on that day would see it. The sick who are there will be
cured no matter what their disease or religion. However, they have to be
Q. On the day of the Miracle, did you say that those present
would be converted?
A. The Virgin said that everyone present would believe.
They would see that this was coming directly from God. All sinners present
would be converted. She also said that you would be able to take pictures
and televise it. Also, from that moment on, there would be a permanent sign
at the Pines that everyone would be able to see and touch but not feel. I
can't explain it.
Q. On the day of the Miracle there will be an extraordinary sign
not made by human hands?
A. Yes. And this sign will remain until the end of time.
Q. Did you say that this sign could be televised and photographed
but not felt by touching?
A. It will be like smoke. You can touch it but not feel
Q. With respect to the sick people... the Virgin mentioned one
particular person, a blind man called Joe Lomangino. What did she say about
A. She said that on the day of the great Miracle he will
recover his sight. She also talked about a paralytic boy whose
parents come from my town (Garabandal). This boy will also be cured. These
are the only two people she mentioned.
Q. Can you tell us something about Fr. Luis Andreu?
A. Yes. This priest came frequently to the village to see
if the apparitions were real or not. After a while he believed in them. Once,
while we were in ecstasy at the Pines, he began to shout, "Miracle,
Miracle, Miracle." When this happened the Virgin said, "At this
moment the priest is seeing me and the Miracle that will occur."
Q. Fr. Luis was actually seeing the Miracle?
A. Yes. That same day on his trip back home he said to his
friends, "This is the happiest day of my life. What a great mother we
have in heaven. The apparitions are true." As he said these words he
Q. Didn 't the Virgin say that something would occur on the day
after the Miracle concerning Fr. Andreu?
A. Yes, she said that on the day after the Miracle his body
would be found incorrupt.
February 7, 1974
Q. Will you take the baby(2) to the Miracle?
A. I don't even know if I'm going. (Asked to expand on her
answer, Conchita said): Surely I want to go, but I don't know if circumstances
will permit. It is not necessary (for the occurrence of the Miracle) that
I be there.
Q. You have said that the Miracle of Garabandal will coincide
with a great event within the Church. Did Our Lady tell you what that event
will be, and can you add anything to what you have already said about this
A. Yes, I know what the event is. It is a singular event
in the Church that happens very rarely, and has never happened in my lifetime.
It is not new or stupendous, only rare, like a definition of a dogma —
something like that in that it will affect the entire Church. It will happen
on the same day as the Miracle, but not as a consequence of the Miracle,
only coincidentally.

Q. How will you announce the Miracle?
A. I don't know exactly. Most definitely at midnight (eight
days before the Miracle) I will call Joey (Lomangino), radio, television,
and anyone else in the world that I feel can help to spread the word rapidly.
I am not worried. I know that if the Blessed Mother wants you there, you
will be there.
Q. Joey has said that he will go to Garabandal immediately after
the Warning. Do you know how much time will pass between the Warning and
the Miracle?
A. For Joey to go to Garabandal is a good idea, but I don't
know how long will pass between the Warning and the Miracle.
Q. Do you think of the day of the Miracle often, and are you
anxious for the Warning and the Miracle to come?
A. Sometimes I think of it as so imminent, sometimes far
away. It seems so near when I think that people are not answering the Message,
because after the Miracle there may come the punishment. I am anxious, yes.
I wait. The Blessed Mother never lies. For the words of the Blessed Mother
to be complete, there must be the Warning and the Miracle. It is all one
Q. During the two occasions that Our Lady spoke to you about
Joey, did she
say anything in addition about his eyes?
A. Concerning Joey, the only thing I remember now is that
the Blessed Virgin said to me that at the moment of the Miracle Joey will
have new eyes, and he will see permanently after that.
February, 1977
Q. Did you 'see' the Miracle or were you told about it?
A. The Virgin told me of it and made me understand exactly
what it will be.
Q. Were you alone or with the other girls when Our Lady told
you about the Miracle?
A. I don't remember.(3)
Q. What will the Miracle be like?
A. Even if I would try to explain it, I wouldn't be able
to do it well. It is better that you wait and see it.
Q. Would you please restate the information concerning the span
of months during which we may expect the Miracle?
A. March to May.
Q. It is said by some people that the way you will announce the
Miracle will be a 'miracle' in itself. Can you explain this?
A. I believe that the way in which it will be said will
be another miracle because it is a very great responsibility for me and I
will need a miracle to say it.
Q. If I am situated far from the village in the mountains, but
I am able to see the Pines, will I see the Miracle clearly? If I am sick
will I be cured at that distance?
A. You will be able to witness the Miracle clearly, and
if God wills it you will be cured.
Q. Some people have said that in other places in the United States
and Europe people could visit Marian shrines and be cured on that day. What
do you know about this?
A. The Virgin didn't tell us anything about this.
Q. Will those who are firm believers in the coming Miracle but
unable to attend because of their state in life, for example, cloistered
priests and religious, receive any special graces on that day?
A. I don't know personally. It depends on those people;
of their wishes, or their faith, or their sacrifice or their obedience.
Q. Did Our Lady ever say anything about the vast sea of people
who plan on being in Garabandal several days before-hand? Many are concerned
as to how they will manage for their food and toilet facilities. Do you have
any comment?
A. Leave that in God's hands. Do what you can and for the
rest remember, 'God performs miracles.' •
1 Conchita says we will only see the bad.
2 Conchita was expecting her first
child when this interview was conducted and gave birth to little Conchita
(Conchitina) the following April.
3 Ed. Note: According
to the notes of Fr. Valentin Marichalar, pastor of Garabandal during the
time of the events, Conchita was alone when she received this communication.