22, 2024
Dear Maria Saraco,
God bless everyone there and God keep you all.
My name is Melody Dawn. I spoke to you on the phone
recently about my rosary which I obtained from you and the Saint Michael’s
Garabandal Center with the kissed item blessed by the Virgin Mary and
her Son through Loli’s missal. I wanted to say thank you so much
for it. It has been my constant companion along with my Blessed Lady
of Carmel scapular through many difficult times. Please if you could
send me another blessed item or two I would greatly appreciate it because
they are a treasure beyond words to me.
I want to convey to you a short story of my rosary.
As I said it is with me always. I was diagnosed in August 2021 of stage
3 endometrial cancer and had many extreme health issues including two
tumors which required surgery. I had been sick for a long time and
bed ridden losing a lot of blood daily. After my surgery and removal
of tumors and cancer I had promised the Virgin Mary and her Son that
I would go to the nearest house of prayer to offer prayers and my thanks
and bring flowers to her, her Son, Padre Pio, and St. Therese the Little
Flower. This I did as promised, all while wearing my rosary and scapular
which Mary has told me many times that if you pray the rosary and wear
my blessed rosary and scapular I will always be with you and you will
always be able to see and hear the real truth through all the lies,
dangers, and evil chaos of these times around you. Trust in me and
my Son and our love for you.
Having this warning in mind I have always worn my blessed
rosary and brown scapular. When I went to the house of prayer as soon
as I was well enough to travel an amazing thing happened. I walked
in and offered my thanks, prayers and flowers to Mary and her Son.
I stayed but a short time and then when I left on my way home I suddenly
doubled over in burning pain. lt was very intense and lasted it took
me to pull over and go to turn the car off it was suddenly gone and
I just felt a warmth where the pain had been. I did not know what to
make of it. As I drove home I had a huge sense of well-being, peace
and love. I said out loud in my car “Mom?” (As I speak
to Mary as Mom with all due love and respect). I said “Mom? ls
that you?” At that moment my dash board lit up with a rainbow
of different colors so I pulled over to the side of the road again
and looked out my window at the sun and it was spinning and blinking
in all different colors. It didn't hurt to look at it at all and I
was mesmerized for several minutes. When it was over and I got home
I was determined to go back to the doctors and have them run all my
tests again which over the next week or so they did, I was completely
healed in many ways. My cancer has been completely healed, my RA and
iron and hemoglobin issues have been reversed. lt's been two years
since this event and no sign of the previous illnesses. Thank you for
what you do for Our Lady of Garabandal and her Son. May God bless you
all and keep you. I keep you all in my prayers at my little refuge
of lmmaculata at my home. Please everyone pray the rosary and keep
it on you with blessed items or sacramentals in these perilous end
Melody Dawn
