The total distance from Santander to San Sebastian de Garabandal is approximately
35 miles (55 kilometers) and takes about an hour.
From the Airport take A67 toward Torrelavega and Cabezon de la Sal. Because of construction
A67 ends near Cabezon and you must exit onto route 634. Follow 634 toward Cabezon.
You will be on this road for about 20 minutes until the town of Cabezon de la Sal.
In Cabezon, turn left onto 625 toward Reinosa. Continue on this road for another
20 minutes or so until you see a sign signaling a right turn toward the town of
Carmona. Take that right (note that there is a bar called "LUKY" on the corner
where you must turn right).
Follow the road to Carmona then continue straight to the town of Puentenansa.
In Puentenansa take a left (designated by a sign) toward the town of Cosio. Follow through
and in Cosio take a right (designated by a sign) toward San Sebastian de Garabandal.
Follow the road and you are there.
All of the turns and route numbers are clearly signed.
These directions, while accurate, are best used, in conjuction, with a detailed roadmap.
One map that we have found quite helpful is the Euro Travel Atlas of Spain and Portugal by American Map. This book is
available at most bookstores including online from for $15.16 US. Click here to purchase from Amazon.
See a Map
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